INTRODUCTION Counterfeiting is an activity that refers to manufacture, production, distribution, export, import or sale of goods that are an imitation or look identical to genuine and authentic products in order to create confusion in the market and deceive the consumers. Affixing trademark or a logo or copying design of a well known product in order to pass them as one’s own is also called counterfeiting. These products are usually manufactured without authority and consent of real owner and are of a substandard quality. They can pose serious health hazards as the quality is compromised in order to manufacture these goods. Commonly counterfeited products that are sold across the globe include clothing, footwear, jewelry, purses, personal care and home care products, food, alcohol, medications, cosmetics, cigaretts, electronic equipments, aeroplane and car parts, and toys. Knowledgentia Consultants which is the best law firm in India known for trademark and brand registr...